Clinical Canine Massage helps to rehabilitate dogs with soft tissue injuries that you may see as limping, lameness or slowing down. It can also help to rehabilitate dogs with arthritis, Hip dysplasia and many other orthopaedic conditions and chronic pain management. Canine Massage Therapy is for all, from Pet dogs to Service dogs and from Sporting dogs to Disabled dogs it can be used not just for dogs displaying pain but for those with extra demands on their bodies or as an extra input to sporting athletes.
Dogs show pain into what Canine Massage Therapists classify as the 5 Principles of Pain created by the Canine Massage Guild. This can really help you to identify when your dog may benefit from Clinical Canine Massage Therapy.
The 5 Principles of Pain are;
- Changes to your dog’s gait– the way that they walk, run and move
- Changes to your dog’s posture – the way they stand, changes to their tail or changes in their body
- Changes to your dog’s Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) – these are things your dog does every day such as jumping in and out of the car, on and off the sofa or even the way that they interact with you.
- Changes to your dog’s behaviour – Has your dog become anxious or reluctant to be petted or groomed? Could their change be behavioural or is it a pain based behavioural problem?
- Changes in your dog’s performance – Not just for agility dogs, obedience dogs or heelwork to music, but any type of sport and you can also look at performance just on your dog’s daily walks such as changes in them slowing down or perhaps they are reluctant to go for a walk
Natalie has trained for 2 years with the Canine Massage Therapy Centre on the Clinical Canine Massage Practitioner Programme externally accredited by Lantra. As a registered massage therapist, Natalie uses 4 disciplines of massage which include over 50 techniques; myofascial release, both direct and indirect, remedial sports massage, deep tissue massage and Swedish massage.
About Clinical Canine Massage
Canine Massage Therapy is a result driven therapy and often achieves improvements in dogs’ mobility, pain management and activity levels with just 1-3 sessions. Canine Massage can help dog’s with many different conditions such as; Soft tissue strains, Muscle Splinting, Arthritis, Cruciate Ligament injuries, Myofascial Pain, Luxating Patellas, Elbow and Hip Dysplasia and Tigger Points.
The changes you may see with Canine Massage Therapy:
- Enhancements to your dog’s mobility and exercise tolerance
- Reduction to your dog’s lameness
- Resolution to your dog’s stiffness post exercise
- Improvements to your dog’s demeanour and character
- Inclusion and ability to resume to Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) such as going up and down stairs.
What to Expect
Your dog’s first consultation will take up to 90 minutes and will include a full consultation, medical history and ADL Assessment followed by a discussion with you, the owner on your expectations of the therapy. Your dog will then undergo a gait assessment, postural assessment and full body palpation before receiving their first massage. Full feedback is given along with a home care plan and any other recommendations.
Following your dog’s first consultation a recommended minimum of 2 follow up massage sessions can be discussed and booked, these will take up to 60 minutes. On going / maintenance treatments will also be recommended with the relevant time intervals.
For any enquiries or to book your dog in for Clinical Canine Massage at Natalie Mitchell Canine Therapies please do not hesitate to contact Natalie today.